Dr. Shiva K. Misra
Senior Consultant Laparoscopic Obesity & General Surgeon
- Honorary Professor – Indian Medical Association
- Director & CEO – Shivani Hospital & IVF, Kanpur
- Organizing Chairman – ASICON 2024, Agra, Uttar Pradesh
- Vice President – National Board of Examination
President- SAARC Surgical Care Society – 2018-19 - Director- Social Welfare Council – ASI – 2019
- President – The Association of Surgeons of India – 2017
- President – Indian Medical Association, Kanpur – 2012 (Centenary Year)
- Doctor of the Year – 2017
- Past National Secretary – The Association of Surgeons of India (2013-2015)
- Governing Council Member – Association of Surgeons of India (2010-2015)
Mobile: +919415042116, +919838072116
Website: www.shivanihospital.com


- Awarded with President Appreciation Award for the Services Rendered to 89th Annual conference of IMA Up State at IMA UPCON-2024 at Ghaziabad dated 30-11-2024
- Honored by The Lions Club of Ganges, Kanpur on 21st 2024.
- Renominated as Vice President Surgery NBEMS wide Gazette notification no. 4406 dated Nov. 4, 2024.
- Chaired a session on AI and Robotic Surgery in Association with Indraprasth Hospital New Delhi on 18th 2024 at Kanpur.
- Invited as national faculty to iSPIES 2024 for fluorescence guided surgery conference at New Delhi 14 – 15th 2024.
- Invited international faculty to Sri Lanka Surgical Conferences 2024 (SLSC-2024) in association with RCS Ednburgh and SAARC Surgical Care Society 11 to 14th 2024 at Kandy, Sri Lanka.
- Felicitated on “Doctor’s Day” by LIONS Club of Kanpur Ganges on 7th July 2024.
- Delivered “Menda Oration” of ACRSI at ASIRSICON 2023 on 29th 2023 at Indore.
- Received Honorary Fellowship of ACRSI at ACRSICON 2023 on 28th 2023.
- Invited as Guest of Honor in First NOTSS Introductory Course in Association with ASI and RCS Edin. At KIMS Hospital, Hyderabad 17th 2023.
- Panelist in Elite Panel Discussion on “Reaching the Pinacle of Surgical Success” at FISTULACON at Mumbai 19th 2023.
- Delivered a talk on “Art of Happy living for Doctors” at India Habitat Center, New Delhi on 8th July 2023 to the eminent doctors of Delhi.
- Guest of honor at T.N. ASICON 2023 at Trichi 12th 2023.
- Chaired a session on “Era of Newer Technologies in Healthcare” at 40th Annual Refresher Course of IMACGP April 2023.
- Invited as National Faculty in LAP. UNLIMITED! – 12th National Conclave on Laparoscopic Surgery on 2nd & 3rd July 2022 at Zen Hospital, Mumbai.
- Inaugurated 19th Annual Conference of IAGES as Guest of Honor at Rajahmundry, AP on 10th June 2022 and also delivered a talk on “Impact on Laparoscopy on Current Surgical Teaching Training & Practice”.
- Delivered a talk on “Abdominal Wall Closure” at Science of Tissue Management Program at Hotel Vijay Intercontinental, Kanpur on 3rd June, 2022.
- Faculty at Vascular and Intestinal Anastomosis workshop at RML Institute. of Medical Sciences, Lucknow on 31st May 2022.
- Invited as Guest Speaker by Kanpur Orthopedic Association on “Violence Against Doctors” on 28th May 2022 at hotel Vijay Intercontinental Kanpur.
- Inaugurated MISCON 2022, Kochi and delivered MISCON Oration on “Impact on Laparoscopy on Current Surgical Teaching Training & Practice” at International Conference in Minimally Invasive Surgery as Chief Guest on 27th May 2022.
- Delivered a talk on Abdominal Wound Closure at RML Institute. of Medical Sciences, Lucknow on 31st May 2022.
- Inaugurated Minimal Access Surgery program, Initiation of Endoscopy Services, Initiation of Metabolic and Bariatric & Specialty OPD at RML Institute. of Medical Sciences, Lucknow on 31st May 2022.
- Delivered Dr. P. B. Bhadre Oration on 23rd April 2022 at KSSCON 2022 at Kolhapur, Maharastra.
- Delivered CME lecture on “Skeptical Scalpel – Missing Dimension in Surgical Practice” on 25th March 2022 at ASI Odisha State Chapter.
- Invited as Chief Guest at NBEMS, New Delhi on “International Women’s Day” 8th March 2022.
- Have been nominated as Honorary Prof. of IMA AMS by IMA Head Quarters on 5th 2021.
- Delivered a talk on “Lap. CBD Exploration” on 21st July 2021” in National Skills Enhancement Program (NSEP) by ASI.
- Delivered a web Lecture on Advancements In Management Of Chronic Non-Healing Wounds 29th April 2020.
- Delivered a web Lecture on Surgery Update on COVID-19 on 10th April 2020.
- Healthcare Personality of the Year Surgeon 27th Feb 2020
- National Faculty at FIAGES Kanpur held on 23rd to 25th 2020 at Rama Dental College Auditorium and Deliverd a talk on Laparoscopic Management of Cystic Lesions of Pancreas and Liver.
- Keynote speaker at Kanpur Surgical Club on “Demystifying the Role of Pure Micronised Diosmin in Haemorrhoids” on 11 January 2020 at Vijay Intercontinental, Kanpur.
- Delivered Presidential Oration at Annual conference of SAARC Surgical Care Society at Bhubaneshwar held along with ASICON on “Surgeon : Romancing with the Knife”
- Organized a session on “Health Effects of Air Pollution” as Program Director in Wellnesscon-2019 International Conference on Wellness on Nov.- 8th – 10th 2019 at CSJM University Kanpur.
- Chaired a session on “Insides in to Pancreas Disease Management” by Dr. G. V. Rao in 6th KMC Gastrocon on 3rd 2019.
- Delivered a talk on “Preoperative Counseling in Perianal Surgeries” at Proctology and ACRSICON 2019at Grand Hyatt, Mumbai 31st to 3rd Nov. 2019.
- Delivered F. C. Eagleston Memorial Oration organized by Punjab State Chapter of ASI-2019 on 12th Oct. 2019 at Jalandhar.
- Delivered Dr. K. M. Abdul Hasan IMACGP Oration at National Conference of IMA College of General Practitioners on 23rd 2019 at Hotel Court Yard by Marriot, Agra.
- Chaired a session on My Do’s and Don’t for complex HPB Surgeries by Dr. Walliullah Siddiqui (Surgical Gastro Enterology) on 23rd 2019 at Hotel Royal Cliff, Swaroop Nagar Kanpur.
- Organized Launch of “DOCTORS FOR CLEAN AIR – UTTAR PRADESH CHAPTER”, an initiative by Lung Care Foundation in association with Indian Medical Association, Kanpur to achieve subjective of clean air for all in Uttar Pradesh on 17th Feb .2019 at BNSD Shiksha Niketan Kanpur.
- Invited as “Champions of Clean Air” by Joint Initiative of Lung Care Foundation and Health Care without Harm on 4th 2018 at New Delhi as Doctors for Clean Air Regional Director.
- Invited as Chief Guest for the Annual Conference of the Society of Surgeons of Pakistan – Karachi Chapter “SURGICON-2018” as SAARC Surgical Care Society President from 23rd to 25th 2018 at Beach Luxury Hotel Karachi where performed live operative workshop at Darul Sehat Hospital of Liaquat College of Medicine and Dentistry, gave inaugural address and delivered a talk on “Challenges for the Surgeons – The Way Ahead”.
- Invited as panelist on the topic “Role of Medical Technology industry and investors in enabling Ayushman Bharat reach last mile” at MTaI MedTekon 2018 at Hotel Shangri la’s Eros, New Delhi on 20th 2018..
- Invited to 47th Annual academic sessions of the college of Sri Lanka in association with SAARC Surgical Care Society and Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh from 15th – 18th August 2018.
- Invited as National Guest Faculty to RRC Patna from 7th – 8th July 2018.
- Honored by Indian Medical Association Kanpur for Exemplary Services to SAARC Nations as President of SARC Surgical Care Society on the occasion of Doctors Day on Sunday 1st July 2018.
- Honored by Indian Medical Association Kanpur for Social Services rendered as Past President of IMA Kanpur on the occasion of Doctors Day on Sunday 1st July 2018.
- Honored by Indian Medical Association Kanpur for Organizing Free Health Camp on the occasion of Doctors Day on Sunday 1st July 2018.
- Chaired a session on Bariatric Surgery Organized By Kanpur Surgical Club on 30th June 2018. “-
- Had a meeting with Union Minister for Environment, Science & Technology Dr. Harsh Vardhan with CEO of Lung Health Foundation Prof. Arvind Kumar about “Air Pollution and Environment – A need for People’s Movement.” 6th June, 2018
- Keynote address at Africa Health 2018 at Johannesburg, South Africa 29th May 2018.
- Invited Lecture at Nelson Mandela School of Medicine, Kwa Zulu Natal University Durban, SA, 31st May 2018.
- Chaired advisory board meeting on evidence based clinical practice for the management of Chronic Venous Insufficiency and Haemorrhoids at Taj Vivanta, Lucknow 27th May 2018.
- Felicitated by Cabinet Minister for Medical & Health, Government of Uttar Pradesh Sri Siddharth Nath Singh as Medical Messiah from Kanpur Uttar Pradesh, 20th May 2018 at ITC Fortune, Lucknow.
- Chaired a session on “Common Breast Problems” at GSVM Medical College Kanpur during 36th Annual Refresher Course of IMACGP Kanpur on 12th April 2018.
- Programme Director in IMACGP Refresher Course from 8th – 15th April 2018.
- Invited Faculty to Bariatric Metabolic Surgery Standardization – World Consensus Meet BMMS – WOCOME March 22nd – 24th 2018, at Hotal Taj New Delhi.
- Invited as National Faculty to Hernia Society of India midterm conference at Vapi Gujarat 12 & 13th 2018.
- Delivered a talk on “Acute Abdomen Causes, DD & Management” in training program for IOFHS North Zone CME 2018.
- Delivered Presidential Oration on “Leadership Challenges – Way Forward”
- 77th Annual Conference of the Association of Surgeons of India was held from 26th to 30th 2017 under the President ship of Dr. Shiva K. Misra (President ASI-2017).
- Invited as VIP Guest and incoming President of SAARC Surgical Care Society to the annual conference of the Society of Surgeons of Bangladesh and SAARC Conference to Dhaka, Bangladesh from 7th to 10th 2017.
- Awarded with Honorary Professorship of the Indian Medical Association 22nd 2017.
- Guest of Honor to the Inaugural Function of UPASICON 43rd Annual Conference of the Association of Surgeons of India held at Department of surgery Institute of Medical Sciences, BHU, Varanasi from 17th – 19th
- Chief Guest to the inaugural function of SURGICON – 2017, Annual Conference of Delhi State Chapter of the Association of Surgeons of India at Lady Harding Medical College, New Delhi on 11th 2017.
- Chief Guest to the inaugural function of 6th Annual Conference of the Association of Breast Surgeons of India (ABSI) at Clark’s Convention Center, Bangalore 10th 2017.
- Delivered Presidential Oration and Inaugurated 16th annual conference of The Association Of Surgeons of India , Jharkhand Chapter at Girdih 3rd to 5th 2017.
- Received Fellowship of American College of Surgeons (FACS) at 103rd Annual Conference of the American College of Surgeons (ACS) at San Diego, USA 22nd to 26th 2017
- Invited as VIP Guest (President ASI) to 103rd Annual Conference of the American College of Surgeons (ACS) at San Diego, USA 22nd to 26th 2017.
- Delivered “Dr. J Mahanta ASICON 1978 Oration” at Kaziranga National Park at Assam State Chapter annual conference – ASACON 2017 13th-15th 2017
- Chaired a session on “Socio, Economic and Political Impact of Cancer” in International Conference on Fight Against Cancer FAC Con-2017 at CSJM University Kanpur-5th to 7th 2017.
- Received “Doctor of The Year Award 2017” at Hotel Grand, New Delhi by IMA Head Quarters on 22nd 2017. Also delivered a talk on “Impact of Laparoscopy on Current Surgical Practice”.
- Delivered “ Subodh Dutta Oration “ at SASICME organized by West Bengal State Chapter on 9th 2017 at Kolkata.
- Organized 1st ever conference on Ethical Surgical Practice “Ethics & Surgery in 21st Century” under the auspices of the Association of Surgeons of India at VAPI on 2nd 2017 in association with Meril Academy. Dr. Sambit Patra was the Chief Guest.
- Chief Guest of the 4th Regional Refresher Course at R.M.L. Auditorium, New Delhi from 24th – 26th 2017
- Chief Guest of the 4th Regional Refresher Course at Chirayu Medical College, Bhopal from 18th – 20th 2017
- Conferred with Honorary Fellowship of College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka (FCSSL) at 46th Annual academic sessions and joint international conference of the college of surgeons of Sri Lanka with the SAARC Surgical Care Society and the Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh on 17th 2017at Kandy, Sri Lanka.
- Invited as Chief Guest of T & P ASICON held at Coimbatore from 11th – 13th 2017.
- Chief Guest and National Faculty of Scalpel-2017 endorsed by the Association of Surgeons of India and delivered a talk on “Firsts & Pioneers; Evolution and Revolution in surgery” at Park Hyatt Goa 4th – 6th 2017.
- Chief Guest at 2nd RRC organized at Chennai from 21st – 23rd July 2017.
- Invited as VIP Guest to annual conference of Royal College of Surgeons of Thailand from 7th to 9th July 2017.
- Had joint meeting of ASI with Royal College of Surgeons England at Hyderabad on 6th July 2017
- Guest speaker at Kanpur Surgical Club on 2nd July 2017 at Hotel Landmark.
- Honored by IMA Kanpur on 1st July Doctors Day Celebrations for outstanding contribution to the society.
- Invited as VIP Guest and key note speaker at 10th Annual Conference of Chinese College of Surgeons (CCS) at Beijing China from 18th – 22nd May, 2017.
- Invited as Guest of Honor for the 40th Annual Conference of The Association of Surgeons of India – Kerala State Chapter KASICON at Kumarkum on 13th May 2017.
- Invited as President of National Body in GHSA at Mangalore with CDC USA for preventing avoidable catastrophes, detecting threats early and responding rapidly and effectively to deal with existing and emerging threats.
- Invited as Chief Guest to the 7th annual conference of the Association of Surgeons of Afghanistan West (ASSW) 26th April 2017.
- Invited as Guest Faculty to IFSO APC conference on Metabolic Surgery at Goa 21st – 23rd April, 2017.
- Chaired a meeting of Indian Journal of Surgery on 15th April 2017 as President of the Association of Surgeons of India at Springer House New Delhi.
- Had a joint meeting of ASI with RCS Ed on 10th April 2017 regarding cooperation in Surgical Training, Joint Conference and exchange fellowship programs.
- Invited as President of the Association of Surgeons of India by Indian Medical Association HQ to form IMA – FOMA (Federation of Medical Association) on 6th April 2017.
- Chief Guest and Speaker at annual conference of the Association of Surgeons of India, MP State Chapter of ASI 25th – 26th 2017.
- Guest of Honor and Speaker at 16th annual conference of the Association of Surgeons of India, Chhatishgarh State Chapter (CGASICON) 20th 2017.
- Chief Guest and speaker for Dr. T. S. Jairam Memorial Lecture at 35th annual conference of the Association of Surgeons of India, Karnataka State Chapter KSCASICON-2017.
- Chief Guest and speaker for Brahmapur Oration at 32nd annual conference of the Association of Surgeons of India, Odisha State Chapter, OSASICON, Bhubaneshwar 4-5th 2017.
- Invited as VIP Guest to a college admission ceremony at British Council New Delhi by President Prof. David Galloway of the Royal College of the Physicians and Surgeons of Glasglow on 24th Jan 2017.
- Presiding officer of ASI 2016 at Mysuru including Inaugural, Convocation, valedictory functions and GC and GB meetings on 14th – 18th Dec 2016.
- Invited faculty to deliver talk on “Impact of Laparoscopy on General Surgical Practice” at ASICON, Mysuru 14th – 18th Dec. 2016.
- Delivered Prof. K. D. Varma Oration of Lucknow College of Surgeons 6th 2016.
- Guest of Honor and National Operative Faculty at Inauguration Ceremony of 42nd UPASICON held at Allahabad Medical College 9th to 11th 2016.
- Guest of Honor and National Operative Faculty at Inauguration and ICLS Convocation Ceremony at SELSICON-2016 & IHSCON 2016, Agra 5th 2016.
- Invited national faculty for live international workshop and CME “MISIICON” at Kochi 21st to 23rd 2016.
- Chaired a session on Pancreatic Diseases at 3rd KMC GASTROCON 2016 on 25th 2016.
- National Faculty at ACRISCON and ISCURS Conference at Trident Mumbai on 22 – 24th 2016.
- Delivered Dr. A. K. Sahay Memorial Oration at Dhanbad during JASICON from 9 – 10th 2016.
- Delivered a talk on Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery – Surgical Treatment of Obesity and Diabetes Mellitus at IMA, Kanpur on 20th 2016.
- Organizing Chairman of Zonal CME of IHPBA Indian Chapter at Hotel Vijay Intercontinental, Kanpur on 7th 2016.
- Invited Faculty Zonal CME Hyderabad 30 – 31st July 2016.
- Invited Faculty at AMASI Skill Course at Agra 15th July 2016.
- Chaired a CME update on “Common Cancer & Their Management” at Hotel Vijay Inter Continental by Royal Cancer Institute on 11th June 2016.
- Invited Faculty in Endo Hernia 6th International Conference and Live Workshop on Hernia at Coimbatore, GEM Hospital 19th – 21st May 2016.
- Invited Faculty & Guest of Honor at KASICON 2016 19th Annual Conference of the Association of Surgeons of India, Kerala Chapter on 6th – 8th May 2016.
- Chaired a session on “Evolving Role of Technology In Gynae Onchology” organized by Max Hospital, Saket New Delhi under the aegis of KOGS at Hotel Royal Cliff on 16th April 2016.
- Chaired a session on Uretero Pelvic Junction Obstruction : Diagnosis & Management at 3rd Annual Conference of Urology Association of Uttar Pradesh at Vijay Inter-Continental Hotel Kanpur 9th April 2016.
- Inaugurated as Chief Guest midterm CME of JAKASI on Hepatobiliary Surgery and delivered a talk on “Bile Duct Injuries and their Management” at GMC Jammu on 27th 2016.
- Operating faculty at Live Laparoscopic Henia Surgery Workshop at Surgery Update 2016 at GSVM Medical College Kanpur on 7th 2016.
- Delivered guest lecture on LBDE at MPASICON – Gwalior 20th Feb 2016.
- Received Dr. S. N. Mathur Memorial Award at GEMSCON 2015 at GSVM Medical College at XXXI GEMS annual meet on 26th Dec, 2015.
- Received Honorary Fellowship of AMASI (FMAS) at AMASICON Mumbai, 5th – 8th 2015.
- Invited Faculty and Refree at AMASICON Mumbai 5th – 8th 2015.
- Invited Faculty and Delivered a talk on Laparoscopic Hernia Repair at Jharkhand Chapter of ASI Annual Conference at Bokaro on 30th – 1st Nov. 2015.
- Invited faculty at ASIRAJ at Bikaner, Rajasthan – delivered a talk on Complications of Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy on 24th – 25th Oct, 2015.
- Guest of Honor and delivered a talk on Lap CBD Exploration at ASIMANICON 2015 at Imphal 10th – 11th Oct, 2015.
- Guest of Honor and delivered a talk on “ Missing Dimention in Modern Surgical Practice” at 38th Annual Conference of Andhra Pradesh State Chapter of Association of Surgeons of India at Rajahmundry, A.P. 22nd 2015.
- Guest of Honor and delivered a talk on Laparoscopic Management of CBD Stones at 5th Annual Conference of the J & K State Chapter of the Association of Surgeons of India JAKASICON-2015 at Srinagar on 19th – 20th 2015.
- Delivered a talk on Laparoscopic Management of CBD Stones at 8th National Conference of Society of Endoscopic and Laparoscopic Surgeons of India (Live Workshop and CME) –SELSICON 2015 on 7th to 9th August 2015 at
- Delivered Prof.R.Sarath Chandra CME lecture during the 39thAnnual Conference of T & P Chapter at Hotel Kodai International, Kodaikanal from 7th-9th August 2015.
- Organized a session on “Bariatric & Metabolic Surgery” at 33rd IMACGP Refresher Course at GSVM Medical College as Programme Director on 2nd 2015.
- Delivered a guest lecture on Diagnostic Laparoscopy – An Under Utilized Tool at ASI Zonal CME at Hyderabad on 11th -12th July 2015
- Delivered a guest lecture on Diagnostic Laparoscopy – An Under Utilized Tool at ASI Zonal CME at New Delhi on 4th -5th July 2015
- Honored by Amar Ujala Foundation at University Institute of Health Sciences. CSJM University Kanpur on Doctor’s Day 1st July 2015
- Delivered a guest lecture on Diagnostic Laparoscopy – An Under Utilized Tool at ASI Zonal CME at Chennai on 13-14 June 2015.
- Invited as National Faculty and Presented Master Video on Laparoscopic CBD Exploration at 8th LAPAROSURG at Coimbatore 14th – 16th May 2015.
- Chaired a session on Evolving Spectrum of A Wonder Drug Revisited by Prof. Ramakant at Hotel Vijay Inter Continental, Kanpur on 2nd May, 2015.
- Delivered a talk on “Laparoscopic Management of CBD Stones” at Kanpur Surgical Club meeting held at Ganges Club on 25-4-2015.
- Invited Faculty at AIIMS Surgical Week at AIIMS, New Delhi 12th – 14th March 2015
- Invited as National Faculty at IAGES Annual Conference 2015 at Gurgaon from 13th – 15th 2015.
- Invited as Guest of Honor and Operating Faculty at OSSASICON – 2015 at Cuttak from 6th – 8th 2015.
- Invited as Guest of Honor and Operating Faculty at MASICON 2015 at Nagpur from 29th – 1st 2015.
- Attended as Faculty Bariatric and Robotic Surgery workshop “Robosurg” at SGRH, New Delhi on 28th and 29th 2015.
- Chaired a session on Urinary Incontinence at Kanpur Surgical Club on 3rd Jan 2015.
- Attended as Faculty and National Secretary ASI, ASICON 2014 at HICC, Hyderabad from 25th – 30th 2014.
- Invited as Faculty to CME by Lucknow College of Surgeons on 6th 2014.
- Convened a meeting of Directors AIIMS and Vice Chancellors Medical Universities on Peripheral Skill Centers of ASI on 23rd 2014 at AIIMS New Delhi.
- Invited Faculty UPASICON-2014, Presented a talk on Complications of Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy. J. N. Medical College AMU Aligarh 14-16 Nov. 2014.
- Invited VIP Guest at 100th Annual Conference of American College of Surgeons at San Francisco from 26th – 30th, 2014.
- Chaired a session on NSAIDs by Emeritus Professor of Biomedical Sciences Prof. Kim Rainsford of Sheffield South Yorkshire U.K. on 18th 2014at Landmark, Kanpur.
- Received fellowship in Laparoscopic Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery at Mohak Bariatrics & Robotics, Indore on 12th, 2014.
- Operating faculty at Agra LAPCON – 2014 under the aegis of SELSI, HIS and UP Chapter of ASI 4th – 5th, 2014.
- Faculty in “Wound Management Protocols” organized under the aegis of ASI at Hotel Novotel, Hyderabad – 21st Sept 2014.
- Delivered “G.P. Ramaiyya Memorial Oration” at 37th Annual Conference of Association of Surgeons of India AP Chapter at Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh 12th 2014.
- Programme Director in Surgery – Bariatric & Robotic Surgery: Dr. Praveen Bhatia SGRH, New Delhi for IMACGP Refresher Course 2014.
- Invited Guest International Faculty at annual conference of Srilankan College of Surgeons & SAARC SCS at Colombo 20th – 23rd 2014.
- Delivered CME lecture at R. Sarath Chandra CME on “Laparoscopic Management of Gall Stone Complications” during TN & P ASICON-2014 8th -10th Aug. 2014.
- Invited as Guest International Faculty to the 39th Annual conference of Royal College of Surgeons of Thailand at Pattaya from 10th – 13th July, 2014.
- Delivered a talk on Selecting the Correct Prosthesis and Fixation Devices in Hernia Surgery and Complication in Laparoscopic Surgery at Kanpur Surgical Club on 5th July, 2014.
- Delivered a talk on Post Operative Pain Management and Laparoscopic Management of Acute Abdomen on 28th June 2014.
- Invited National Operative Faculty at RDT Hospital, Bathalapalli, A. P. 6th June 2014.
- Invited Faculty at SGPGI Breast Course 2014 at Lucknow,r 8th 9th 2014.
- National Operating Faculty and Delivered Guest Lecture at ASICON Ahmedabad Dec. 25th – 30th, 2013.
- Invited as Guest of Honor/Operating Faculty to Annual Conference of Association of Surgeons of India – Jharkhand Chapter at Jamshedpur from 29th – 1st Dec. 2013. Delivered Prof. R.P. Sahu Oration.
- Invited as Guest of Honor/Operating Faculty to 39th Annual Conference of Association of Surgeons of India – UP Chapter at Ghaziabad from 22nd – 24th 2013.
Invited as Guest of Honor to 9th Annual Conference of Association of Surgeons of India – Tripura State Chapter at Agartala on 9th Nov. 2013.
- 165- Invited as Guest of Honor to Annual Conference of Association of Surgeons of India – Assam Chapter at Silchar on 8th Nov. 2013.
- 166- Attended 99th Annual Congress of American College of Surgeons as VIP Guest at Washington DC from 6th – 10th Oct. 2013.
- 167- Invited faculty at the 8th International Congress of Association of Minimal Access Surgeons on India – AMASICON 2013 at Indore from 22nd – 25th August 2013.
- 168- Delivered a talk on “Missing Dimension in Modern Surgical Practice” in second national conference on ambulatory surgery organized by ISAS at Lalit Ashok, Bangalore on 3rd & 4th Aug. 2013.
- 169- Invited faculty in “Bariatic Surgery – What is New” at ILS Hospitals, Kolkata 26th – 27th Jul. 2013.
- 170- Honored by IMA Amar Ujala Foundation on Doctor’s Day, 1st July 2013 for working for poor and needy and setting high standard in medical profession.
- 171- Delivered a lecture on “Missing Dimension in Modern Surgical Practice” in a joint conference of IASO & UPASI at Varanasi on 6th April, 2013.
- 172- Chairperson of a programme on Tuberculosis on World T. B. Day – 2013 organized by IMA Kanpur and Health Foundation at Merchant Chamber Hall on 24th March, 2013.
- 173- Chaired session at Live Workshop at ENDOSURG AIIMS, New Delhi – 16th March, 2013.
- 174- Delivered a lecture on Role of Laparoscopy in Acute Abdomen at ASICON Kolkata 25th – 30th Dec. 2012.
- 175- President & Faculty 38th UPASICON – 2012 Annual Conference of Association of Surgeons of India UP Chapter at Dehradun from 23rd – 25th Nov. 2012.
- 176- Chaired a session on “Upper G.I. Bleeding” at Hotel Royal Cliff on 4th Nov. 2012.
- 177- Faculty 5th Annual Conference of Society of Endoscopic & Laparoscopic Surgeons of India (SELSI) at PGI Chandigarh from 2nd – 4th Nov. 2012.
- 178- Attended FIGO at Rome, Italy 7th -11th Oct. 2012.
- 179- Faculty 1st International and 35th National Congress of the Association of Colon & Rectal Surgeons of India, Intercontinental & Crown Plaza Twin Hotels, Dubai 27th – 29th Sept. 2012.
- 180- Attended XVII World Congress of International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity & Metabolic Disorders (IFSO) at Hotel Taj Palace, New Delhi from 11th – 15th Sept. 2012.
- 181- Invited Faculty & President at Midterm CME Cum live workshop of UPASI SAIFAICON at SAIFAI Etawah on 8th & 9th Sept. 2012.
- 182- Chaired a session on Andropause by Dr. Vipin Mishra of Fortis Noida on 1st Sept. 2012.
- 183- Delivered talk on Hepatitis B & Surgeons at Kanpur Surgical Club on 28th July 2012.
- 184- National faculty AMASICON 2012 7th International Congress of Association of Minimal Access Surgeons of India July 19th – 22nd 2012, Coimbatore.
- 185- Programme Director of session on Bariatric Surgery at 30th Annual refresher Course of IMACGP, Kanpur Sub faculty on 25th March 2012 by Dr. Pradeep Chowbey.
- 186- Received Honorary Fellowship of International College of Laparoscopic Surgeons FCLS at first convocation of International College of Laparoscopic Surgeons on 16th March 2012 at AIIMS New Delhi.
- 187- Chaired live operative Demo. of Gastric Bypass for Morbid Obesity from New York on 16th March 2012 at AIIMS, New Delhi.
- 188- Invited faculty to 6th AIIMS Surgical Week (ENDOSURG -2012) from 16th-18th March 2012 at New Delhi.
- 189- Invited faculty to 3D LAPCON Artemis Health Institute, Gurgaon 3rd – 4th March 2012.
- 190- Received honorary FALS – fellow of advance laparoscopic surgery in the first convocation of FALS held at IAGES Ahmedabad on 17th Feb. 2012.
- 191- National faculty at IAGES 2012 – 10 Biennial National Congress of IAGES and Workshop On Minimal Access Surgery 16Th – 19Th Feb. at Ahmedabad.
- 192- Guest speaker on “newer concept in wound care management” at Kanpur Surgical club on 4th Feb. 2012.
- 193- National Faculty at ASICON 2011, Delivered a talk on “Laparoscopic Exploration of Abdomen” 15th – 30th Dec. 2011.
- 194- Chaired a session on “Laparoscopy in Onchology: an update by Dr. Jalaj Baxi and “Bariatric surgery: Fights like a champion” By Dr. Yogesh Agarwala of Fortis Hospital Noida at Kanpur Surgical Club on 17/12/2011.
- 195- Faculty and organizer 21st fellowship course of IAGES (FIAGES) at Sahara Hospital Lucknow 17th-20th Nov. 2011.
- 196- National Faculty Live Workshop and Guest lecture on “Safe Surgery Saves Lives” at 37th Annual Conference of UPASI at Haldwani 11-13th Nov. 2011.
- 197- Chaired session on “Nutrition” by Dr. Staphan Bark from Sweden on 21st Oct. 2011 at Hotel Royal Cliff, Kanpur.
- 198- Invited as national faculty in SELSICON-2011 (4th National Conference of SELSI), Ahmedabad 7-9th Oct. 2011.
- 199- Invited as national faculty in LAP SUMMIT U.K. on 10 & 11th Sept. 2011, Dehradun.
- 200- Invited as National Faculty and co-patron at FIAGES Gurgaon from 20th – 24th July, 2011.
- 201- Attended 1st Asia Pacific CME and Live Surgery Workshop on Minimally Invasive Anal Fistula Treatment (MAFT) at MAX Institute of Minimal Access, Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery, New Delhi on 25th June, 2011.
- 202- Invited National Faculty at FIAGES course held at KEM Hospital, Mumbai from 2nd – 5th June, 2011, Mumbai. Delivered a talk on Diagnostic Laparoscopy.
- 203- Invited National Faculty at G-ROS – 2011 “1st International Conference and Live Operative Workshop on Advanced Laparoscopy & Robotics” from 29th April -1st May, 2011, Pune. Operated Incisional Hernia (Laparoscopic)
- 204- Attended 9th National Conference of Obesity & Metabolic Surgery Society of India Held at Sri Aurobindo Medical College & P. G. Institute Indore. From 25th – 27th March, 2011.
- 205- Guest lecture “Laparoscopic Mamagement of Common Bile Duct Stones” basic course in Hepato-Billiary Surgery 11th March, 2011, SGPGIMS, Lucknow.
- 206- Invited faculty Hepato-Billiary Interventions Live – 2011 5th March, Medanta Gurgaon.
- 207- Chairperson of symposium on Acute Abdomen at Hotel Landmark on 26th Feb. 2011, Kanpur.
- 208- National faculty Agra LAPCON-2011 – 11th-13th Feb., Agra
- 209- In “Asian Admirable Achievers”, a singular honour being bestowed on a select group of asian men & women for there remarkable and unforgettable a accomplishment in life.
- 210- Chairperson and faculty at ASICON-2010 held at AIIMS, New Delhi 15th – 20th December 2010.
- 211- Trained in Bariatric Surgery by Dr. Mahendra Narwaria in Ahemdabad 8th – 9th Dec. 2010.
- 212- National Faculty in operative workshop and delivered Prof R. Prasad Memorial Oration at Annual Conference of The Association of Surgeons of India, Jharkhand State Chapter “JASICON-2010” on 23rd Oct. 2010 at Hazaribagh Jharkhand.
- 213- Panelist “Acute Pain Management in General Surgery” on World Pain Day – 11th Oct. 2010 at Little Chef, Kanpur.
- 214- National Faculty Herniacon 2010, SELSI EZ CON 2010, ASI MANICON 2010 at Imphal, Manipur 8th – 10th October 2010.
- 215- National Faculty 4th National Conference of Hernia Society of India at Kolkata 17th – 19th, September, 2010
- 216- Chair Person 3rd National Conference cum Workshop SELSICON – 2010 4th – 5th September, Patiala.
- 217- National Faculty on “Single Port Laparoscopic Surgery” on 24th July, 2010 at MLB Medical College, Jhansi
- 218- Honored by Indian Medical Association Kanpur on Doctor’s Day 1st July, 2010 for his services in surgery and on receiving honorary FRCS England.
- 219- Chaired a session on “Management of Acute Abdomen” at Hotel Land Mark, Kanpur organized by Walter Bushnell on 29th May 2010.
- 220- Delivered a talk on “Surgical Site Infections” at Kanpur Surgical Club on 22nd May, 2010.
- 221- Received Honorary Fellowship of Royal College of Surgeons England in a Joint Congress of Royal College of Surgeons and Bangalore Surgical Forum at Hotel Leela Palace, Bangalore 13-14th May 2010
- 222- Delivered a talk on “Management of Acute Abdomen” at UHM Hospital, Kanpur on 8th May 2010.
- 223- Invited Faculty at UPSELSICON – 2010, a live Laparoscopic Surgery workshop at Sultanpur, 2nd May 2010.
- 224- Invited faculty to International Hernia Conference and delivered a talk on “Synthetic Mesh-Selecting the Correct Prosthesis” at Intercontinental, Dubai, UAE from 28th – 30th April 2010.
- 225- Co-organizing chairman Mid Term CME on “High Risk Diabetic Foot” organized by Indian Podiatry Association and ASI UP Chapter at Hotel Land Mark Kanpur on 11th April 2010.
- 226- Chaired a session in “Sterricon – 2010” CME on best practices in sterilization and disinfection in hospitals – Effective use of low temperature Hydrogen peroxide gas plasma sterilization system Sterrad at LPS Institute of Cardiology Kanpur.
- 227- Organized 28th Annual Refresher Course of IMACGP Kanpur Sub faculty from 14th – 20th March 2010 as Assit. Director IMACGP, Kanpur Sub Faculty. Dr. Misra received best state & national refresher course award for this refresher course.
- 228- Received Honorary Fellowship of Lucknow College of Surgeons FLCS at annual function of Lucknow College of Surgeons at conventional centre Lucknow 11th March 2010.
- 229- Delivered prestigious Dr. Naim Ansari Oration of Lucknow College of Surgeons on “Tricks & Trips in the Management of CBD Stones in Laparoscopic Era”. On 11th March 2010 at conventional centre Lucknow.
- 230- Speaker in session “Bet you have never seen it before.” Topic – Laparoscopic removal of Misplaced IUD causing Vesical Calculas.
- 231- A panelist on videos on complications of laparoscopic surgery IAGES 2010, 20th Feb. 2010, New Delhi.
- 232- Presented paper on “Laparoscopy in Acute Abdomen” and “Laparoscopic Management of Liver Abscess” at 9th biennial National Congress and Workshop on Minimal Access Surgery IAGES 2010, 18th – 21st Feb. 2010.
- 233- Invited National Faculty to 9th biennial National Congress and Workshop on Minimal Access Surgery IAGES 2010, 18th – 21st Feb. 2010.
- 234- Invited Faculty to 13th AMASICON Skill Course and FMAS exam at SGPGI, Lucknow, 11th Feb. 2010.
- 235- Guest of honor in founder’s day celebration of Department of General Surgery – CSMMU, Lucknow 16th Jan. 2010.
- 236- Delivered Guest lecture on “Missing Dimension in Modern Surgical Practice” at Moradabad Surgical Club on 9th Jan. 2010.
- 237- Invited to People to People Citizen Ambassador programs on a professional delegation focusing on medical education & health care to China and Israel in Dec. 2009.
- 238- Received Best State Chapter Award of ASI for Consecutive 2nd time for the year 2009 as Honorary Secretary of UPASI at Coimbatore.
- 239- Elected to Governing Council of ASI (2010-12) from Uttar Pradesh.
- 240- Faculty and Chairperson 69th Annual Conference of The Association of Surgeons of India ASICON – 2009 at Coimbatore 25th – 30th Dec. 2009.
- 241- Operating faculty / Co-organizing Chairman LAPAROCON – 2009 at Rama Medical College, Kanpur 20th Dec. 2009.
- 242- Invited Lecture on “Complication of Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy” at UPASICON 2009 on 8th Nov. 2009 at CSMMU, Lucknow.
- 243- Faculty for Live Operative Workshop of UPASICON 6th Nov. 2009 CSMMU, Lucknow.
- 244- Delivered R. L. Subharti Oration of Association of Surgeons of India (UP Chapter) on “Difficult Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy, Still a Gold Standard” Nov. 7th CSMMU Lucknow.
- 245- Invited to serve on the credentials committee to interview applicants for fellows of ICS Indian section in 55th Annual Conference of International College of Surgeons 1st Nov. 2009, Amritsar.
- 246- Faculty and Co-organizing Chairman SELSICON 2009 2nd National Conference Cum Live International Multispeciality Laparoscopic Surgery Workshop of SELSI 24-25th Oct. 2009, Agra.
- 247- Invited faculty and Advisor in NATSURG – “Present and the future” (National Surgical Update of International College of Surgeons) organized by International College of Surgeons and UP Chapter of ASI for Laparoscopic Surgery Workshop and lecture on Laparoscopic Suturing & Knotting, Panelist for panel discussion on management of CBD stones in Era of Laparoscopic Surgery and Symposium Lecture on Creation of Pneumoperitoneum and Trocar Insertion in Incisional Hernia – 10-12th Sept. 2009, MLB Medical College, Jhansi, UP, India.
- 248- Invited faculty in CME on Laparoscopic Surgery and delivered talk, 1 – Safe Laparoscopic Surgery and complications in Laparoscopic surgery, 2- Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy in Difficult Situations. Faculty in Laparoscopic Hernia Workshop (Incisional Hernia & B/L TEP) at Department of Surgery BHU, Varanasi 23-24th Aug. 2009.
- 249- Invited as President SELSI (UP Chapter) at Installation ceremony of Lucknow Chapter of SELSI and “Symposium on Minimal Access Surgery” – 22nd Aug. 2009, CSMMU, Lucknow.
- 250- Invited to deliver talk on “Safe Laparoscopic Surgery ” as Guest of Honour by Kumaon Surgeon’s Association at Kashipur.- 13th June, 2009
- 251- Faculty at Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery Workshop organized by Bundelkhand Surgical Society at Neeta Hospital, Jhansi 25th – 26th April 2009.
- 252- National Faculty 3rd AIIMS Surgical week, International Conference, CME cum live workshop (Endosurg 2009) 13 to 15 March 2009 at AIIMS, New Delhi.
- 253- Invited faculty 4th Annual Meeting of International Endo Hernia Society (IEHS) and Live Workshop 19th to 21st Feb. 2009, New Delhi.
- 254- Guest Lecture on Basics of Laparoscopic Surgery & Laparoscopic Suturing & Knotting in “LAPGI – Workshop & CME on GI & Laparoscopic Surgery” at B.R.D. Medical College, Gorakhpur, 7th – 8th Feb. 2009.
- 255- Guest speaker on “Missing Dimension in Surgery – Safe Surgery Saves Lives” at CME on Complications – NZ ASICON CME, AIIMS, New Delhi, 24th– 25th Jan. 2009.
- 256- Chaired a session on Bariatric Surgery on 19th Jan. 2009 at IMACGP refresher course.
- 257- Guest speaker on “Ethical Issues with Doctor Patient Relationship – Missing Dimension” at Haldwani Medical College, on the occasion of Platinum Jubilee Celebrations of Medical Council of India, 11th Jan. 2009.
- 258- Invited faculty for LAPCON at Vivekanand Polyclinic, Lucknow, 10 Jan. 2009.
- 259- Faculty ASICON 2008 at Ludhiana, Received Best Chapter Award for UP Chapter of ASI as Hon. Secretary, 26 – 30th Dec. 2008.
- 260- Delivered lecture on Missing Dimension in Surgery in 34th annual conference of UP Chapter of ASI (UPASICON) and invited Faculty for Live Laparoscopic Surgery Workshop at UPASICON at Bareilly from 7th – 9th Nov. 2008.
- 261- Co – Organizing Chairman and National Faculty in first north zone SELSICON 2008 (A multi specialty Live Laparoscopic Workshop) hosted by SELSA and UP Chapter of SELSI, at G. R. Hospital, Agra on 18th – 19th Oct. 2008.
- 262- Panelist for “Missing Dimension in Surgery” at National Conference of Surgery and Meditation Retreat at Gyan Sarovar, Mount Abu 25th – 29th Sept. 2008.
- 263- Delivered a lecture on Emerging Trends in Management of Haemorrhoids at IMA, Kanpur. 20th Sept. 2008.
- 264- Elected unanimously President of Society of Endoscopic & Laparoscopic Surgeons of India, U. P. Chapter at a meeting of Laparoscopic Surgeons at Agra on 1st June, 2008.
- 265- Chaired a session on Lap Cystogastrostomy/ Gastrojejunostomy/ CBD Exploration/ Cholecystectomy at “ 2nd AIIMS Surgical Week & Inaugural Conference of Society of Endoscopic and Laparoscopic Surgeons of India (SELSI) (International Minimal Access Surgery Conference, CME cum Live Workshop) ENDOSURG 2008” at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi from 27th to 30th March 2008.
- 266- Organised “Kanpur Endosurgery” on 15th & 16th March, 2008 at Mariampur Hospital, Kanpur under the aegis of Association of Surgeons of India – UP Chapter and supported by FOGSI Kanpur & Kanpur Surgical Club, an interactive live laparoscopic surgery workshop on general surgery, urology & gynaecology with record attendance of more than 400 delegates and more than 20 renowned faculties from all over India and inaugurated by President of ASI Dr. A. A. Hai.
Invited as faculty for workshop during “SURGERY UPDATE” – on 9th March 2008 at AMU Aligarh
Faculty (Meet the Professor – GB & CBD) 8th IAGES 14th – 17th 2008 at Jaipur.
Johnson & Johnson fellow in Metasurge (Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery) conference 1st – 3rd 2008 at Mumbai.
Faculty Lecture on “Prosthetic Materials for Hernia Repair” at First National Hernia Congress and Live Workshop Organized by H.S. I. of APHS at New Delhi, 14th – 16th 2007.
Delivered Dr. S. C. Misra Memorial Oration on “Modern Era Management of Common Bile Duct Stones” at UPASICON 2008, Varanasi Nov. 2008.
Faculty 6th Live Endolaparoscopic Workshop organized by Association of Endolaparoscopic Surgeons of Agra, 27th – 28th 2007.
Presented a scientific paper on Laparoscopic Management of Common Bile Duct Stones at Hyderabad, 8th Asia Pacific Congress of Endoscopic and Laparoscopic Surgeons of Asia (ELSA), 17th – 19th 2007.
Received Honorary Fellowship of Indian Association of Gastro Intestinal Endo-Surgeons (FIAGES) at New Delhi, 31 March 2007.
Faculty in First AIIMS Surgical week and International Conference, CME cum live workshop (Endo-Surg 2007) at AIIMS, New Delhi, 26th – 31st March 2007.
Attended International Update on Liver Transplantation and Portal Hypertension at SGPGI, Lucknow, Feb. 22nd – 24th, 2007.
Participated in CME Programme on HIV / AIDS Prevention and Treatment Awareness organized by National AIDS Control Organization (NACO) at Mariampur Hospital, Kanpur on 18th 2007.
Chairperson in the CME cum Live Operative Workshop of Common Colorectal Diseases at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi, India 5th December 2006.
Participated in 66th Annual Conference of the Association of Surgeons of India “ASICON 2006” at Varanasi. 25th – 30th December 2006.
Chairperson Asia Pacific Hernia Congress and Live workshop at New Delhi 6th – 8th 2006.
Participation in MIPH – Masters Programme at EISE New Delhi 14th 2006.
Faculty CME Workshop – 2006 at MLB Medical College Jhansi Aug. 19th – 20th
Presented the scientific paper on “Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy in Difficult Situations” at Dallas, Texas, USA at Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES) 2006 Annual Scientific Meet April 26th – 29th
Presented a paper on “Laparoscopic Management of Common Bile Duct stones” in “International Minimal Access Surgery Conference and Live Workshop and Inaugural Conference of Indian Hernia Society” at AIIMS, New Delhi. 10th – 12th March 2006.
Attended Laparoscopic Colorecteal and Gastric Surgery Training Programme at Dong Guk University Hospital, South Korea in Jan. 16th – 21st
Participation in 6th International Live Workshop on Advanced Laparoscopic Digestive surgery at Gem Hospital, Coimbatore, India. 17th – 20th 2005.
Faculty in dedicated hernia workshop “HERNIA CON 2005” at Kanpur 7th & 8th May 2005.
Participation in first SGPGI breast course March 5th – 6th, 2005.
Participated in the Inaugural International Conference cum live workshop on Minimal Access Surgery at AIIMS, New Delhi, 17th – 20th March 2005.
Chairperson in International Congress on Minimal Access Surgery (Mechanism of Mishaps and Risk Reduction Strategies) at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi India. 27th – 1st March 2005.
Faculty at Surgical workshop of UP Chapter of ASI at Keshlata Hospital Bareilly. 2nd – 3rd 2004.
Participation and Academic Contribution to Second International Congress on Surgical Management of Morbid Obesity “OSSICON 2004” at New Delhi 13th – 14th March 2004.
Chairperson 6th National Conference of Endoscopic Surgery (IAGES) at Ludhiana, Punjab from 19th – 21st 2004.
Presented Paper on “Laparoscopic Management of Hydatid Cyst of Liver” in 6th National Conference of Endoscopic Surgery at Ludhiana, Punjab, India from 19th- 21st 2004.
Participation in the Pre Congress Work Shop on Sperm In male infertility at AICOG 2004 at Agra, India. 5th Jan 2004.
Presented Paper on “Role of Laparoscopy in Acute Abdomen” at UP ASICON, Kanpur 8th – 10th 2002.
Presented a Paper on “Laparoscopic Management of Acute Intestinal Obstruction” in 5th National Conference of IAGES at Kolkata 31st to 3rd Feb. 2002.
Presented Papers on “Out-patient Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy” and “Laparoscopic Management of Cholecysto-duodenal fistula” at 7th world Congress of Endoscopic Surgery, Singapore. June 1st – 4th
Presented Papers on “Difficult Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy” and “Laparoscopic Management of misplaced IUDs” at Endosurgery’ 99 at Hotel Taj New Delhi 19th – 21st 1999.
Chairperson UP State Chapter of Indian Society of Gastro Enterology, Kanpur. March 1st – 2nd
Faculty 1st Indo-German Workshop organized by KMC, Kanpur. 24th – 26th 1997.
Delivered lecture on Laparoscopic Surgery at IMA Kanpur. April 1995.